What is Pain Reprocessing Therapy?

When we experience pain, we need to do two things: find out what is causing it and find out how to stop it. Pain Reprocessing Therapy (PRT) covers both.

It can often feel like we have pain all over our bodies and that the pain we experience must be coming from exactly that place where it hurts. However, it isn’t that simple – pain is an add-on feature that our brains create to alert us to any threats we experience, including ones from our work, relationships, and the world inside and outside our heads. PRT is an exciting new development in the treatment of pain because it addresses the pain right where it starts – in the brain! PRT turns down the pain alarm and, with some practice, turns it off altogether.

A randomised controlled study has shown that the majority of people undergoing Pain Reprocessing Therapy to treat back pain experienced almost zero pain after their course of this therapy.

What can I expect from a PRT session or Chronic Pain Management session?

If you were to observe a PRT session, you would see two people just sitting quietly and talking now and then; it is a much more reflective form of physical therapy than you might have been to before; it may also include some discussions and exercises regarding your feelings and emotions.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy includes:

  1. Clinical assessment: this allows us to make sure there is not a real threat in your body by doing a thorough subjective and physical assessment, reviewing how your pain started, what it’s like now, and any tests you have had or should have done.
  2. Understanding your pain: once we have determined that there is no clear and present danger in your body, we will help you understand your pain and make sense of how and why it has shown up in your life at this moment.
  3. Quiet reflection exercises: during these exercises, you’ll be asked to feel the sensations in your body in a new and more curious way, without preconceptions, and with a sense of safety rather than fear.
  4. Practice: like anything new we do in our lives, we need to practise this new way of feeling our pain and sensations.


If you’re interested, you can read more about PRT in this blog post, ‘Pain Reprocessing: A Breakthrough in the Understanding and Treatment of Pain’.

Who is Pain Reprocessing Therapy for?

If you have any of the following problems with pain, then Pain Reprocessing Therapy may help you:

  • Pain that hasn’t gone away as expected from an injury you had a while ago.
  • Chronic pain anywhere in the body that has lasted for months or even years.
  • Pain that came on one day for no apparent reason and hasn’t gone away.
  • You’ve been diagnosed with any of the following: Persistent or Chronic Pain, Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), Fibromyalgia, Neuroplastic/Nociplastic Centralised Pain.
  • Pain that has been undiagnosed despite many different tests.
  • Pain related to normal age-related changes in the spine and other joints.
Simon Chafer

Meet Simon Chafer, Osteopath and Pain Reprocessing Therapist.

Simon has been a practicing Osteopath for over 20 years and has attained a master’s degree in Pain Management from The University of Cardiff. Simon is also a certified Pain Reprocessing Therapist.

His interest in chronic pain led to him publishing papers in peer-reviewed journals in the field of chronic pain management. He recently published a patient-centred book entitled ‘Taking Control of Your Pain’ to help those suffering with chronic pain, and to try and help them manage their pain effectively and holistically.

Read more about Simon Chafer

Pain Reprocessing Therapy pricing

We will always offer you this therapy through your insurance (if you have it and want to use it – see section below). However, if you would prefer longer sessions, which may be more effective, self-payment rates are as follows:

Assessments: £140 for 60 mins.

Treatments: £140 for 60 mins, £105 for 45 mins, and £70 for 30 mins.

Note: The time needed for follow-up Treatment sessions will decrease as the pain lessens.

Pain Reprocessing Therapy availability and online booking

Pain Reprocessing Therapy Q&A

Are PRT sessions covered by insurance?

The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that insurance pays for a 30-minute Assessment (if you’re with AXA) or a 45-minute Assessment (if you’re with BUPA), as well as subsequent 30-minute Treatment sessions.

However, to effectively carry out Pain Reprocessing Therapy, more in-depth assessments and treatments are required, which take, on average, 60 minutes and 45 minutes each.

How many sessions will I need?

One or two sessions can be enough for some people. However, the average appointment course duration is 4-8 sessions and 8-12 for people with a longer history of pain.

Does the Wellbeing Centre offer regular physiotherapy and osteopathy as well?

Our Pain Reprocessing Therapist, Simon Chafer, is an Osteopath as well. We also have several other osteopaths and physiotherapists available. Visit our physiotherapy and osteopathy pages for more information.